Friday, 5 July 2013

The Negative Zone: Action Comics #22

Kill me now
Christ on a bike. When I started this blog, I didn't intend to write about stuff I didn't like. I wanted to stay positive about the things I enjoy. So thanks to Scott Lobdell for well and truly putting that notion to bed.

Have you ever watched those really bad American soap operas like Sunset Beach or Days Of Our Lives? Unfortunately, I have. One of the worst things about those shows is the characters' constant thinking-out-loud-in-great-detail. It feels very awkward, because that's not actually something that people do.

Action Comics #22 reminded me of these terrible TV shows. There are way too many thought bubbles, filled with way too much nonsense, and all the other dialogue is awful. I got barely halfway through this issue and it was already getting painful, but I forced myself to finish it because I had paid good money for it.

Who at DC decided to let Lobdell loose on another Superman title just as Man Of Steel is out in cinemas, and we're celebrating 75 years of Big Blue? Yeah, the new Superman Unchained title kicked ass, but this is ACTION COMICS! This is where Supes debuted, and is, in my mind, the main Superman book. But this issue alone could turn new readers off. It's like comic fan kryptonite. I'm just glad he's only writing four issues. What makes it even worse is that Tyler Kirkham's art is great, but ultimately wasted on an issue that feels like it was written by a a kid, for kids.

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