Monday, 17 June 2013

Thoughts on Man Of Steel

AWW BOO HOO HOO! He's too powerful! The fight scenes are too long! There was too much CGI! It's hard to care about characters who can't be killed fighting other characters who can't be killed! I only like Christopher Reeve! How did Lois get to the train station so quick? BOO HOO!

For anyone who needed to get that out of their system, I'm happy to help. Now shut the f**k up and go read Rotten Tomatoes with the rest of the haters. You didn't want to like this film, so you probably didn't even bother to try.

Now, let's get to it. Man Of Steel is exactly the Superman film that needed to be made. When nigh-on indestructible aliens have massive fights on earth, that fight will probably last a while, and towns and cities are gonna get levelled in a very noisy, dramatic fashion. We all know the origin, we all know how little Clark Kent struggled to come to terms with his abilities, we all know he loves his folks, and we all know he eventually whacks on a cape and becomes the big blue boy scout, So I'm glad we didn't have to dwell too much on that.

Man Of Steel plays with the Kryptonian origin story very slightly, but by and large, everything still feels familiar. I personally didn't feel any attachment to most of the characters, but I'm also not sure we really needed to. Superman is an alien from a comic book, and his emo side was more than covered in Superman Returns. We've all had enough of that, and it's high time we got a proper large scale sci-fi film where he punches the crap out of everything that can take it, and that is where this film delivered.

Henry Cavill is more than capable in the role, although we are yet to see how well he deals with the characters' duality that Christopher Reeve handled so effortlessly during his time in the suit.

I loved this film. I didn't love the beginning, but when it got going, it delivered exactly what I wanted. It's a balls-out, explosive, superhero romp. It's pretty serious in tone too though, and some reviews have apparently criticised it's lack of humour, but personally I'd rather have no comedy at all than way too much (I'm looking at you, Iron Man 3).

I'm not even scared to say it. I liked this more than The Avengers. And I REALLY liked The Avengers.

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